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Relaxation Time “In a Baby”

Relaxation time is a segment within the class ending that allows students and parents to find their inner calm.  At this time, we personally thank each of our students and parents for all the hard work done for the day. Relaxation time is also a way to engage the students’ attention during class when needed. We never leave class without a special thank you for each participant. Our parents and students are both equally important to the development of this program and it’s our way to give back what has been given to us.

Happy Feet Tap Dance

Heel, Toe, Step, Hop, Brush, Shuffle around the clock. With the sounds of jazz infused with a little modern tune, we get into the rhythm and groove of being super cool dancing to songs such as Rocking Robin and ABC. This class is structured for the student to develop awareness in sound, timing, and learning how the feet and body groove rhythmically. All enrolled parents will receive a Happy Feet schedule.

Modern Dance

Modern dance inspires dancers to use their emotions to design their own steps and routines. This class is specifically taught with bare feet. Following a structured approach the students will actively create their own movement in dance and phrases. In this class, facial gestures and expression is encouraged. Some of the vocabulary that students will engaged in is story-telling, floor work, using only a certain sections of the body, and across the floor phrases. In this class, students will be able to develop their own sense of movement, creativity and more freedom in their own styles of movement.


P: 901-672-8092 or 901-300-0547 E: [email protected]  │ CONTACT US
823 Exocet Drive Suite 110, Cordova, TN 38018
© 2025 Dazzle, BBC LLC

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